
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Seeing Beauty in the Chaos Around You

I LOVE beautiful things.  I love flowers in little vases around the house. I love order and a clean house and decorations.  Dust free bookshelves, laundry put away. Toys in the toy box instead of all over the house. I love the way an old dog lays in front of the fireplace, clean windows, and pillows fluffed just so.  I especially like the lines a vacuum cleaner makes in the carpet.  Oh I LOVE that. 
 Lately I’ve noticed how annoyed I get when things aren’t … well, perfect.  I’ve forgotten that homes must serve us, not the other way around.  I think I learned that from the nester.  So today I picked up my camera to help me look at my home.  I heard once that if you really want to see something, take a picture to study. 
I must admit I did put away my daughter’s blanket that was sitting on our dining table before I started shooting away.  But I tried to focus on things that maybe weren’t so beautiful and guess what!  I found some of my messes were actually very beautiful.  I must admit that I will still long for orderly spaces and lines in carpets and clean windows, but next time, I just might leave out my baby girl’s blanket and see it for what it really is – home, life, us. 


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