
Monday, March 17, 2014

Preschoolers Learning Lifelong Habits Now

I'll admit I've given in to a tantrum or two.  Yes, have one more cookie if you will stop whining.  Okay one more show if you'll stop asking.  Raising children is difficult and sometimes I just want to have an easy day.  Giving in may stop the complaining in the moment, but it doesn't do your child any good in the long run.  Really our roles as parents is to raise our children to be competent, thoughtful, responsible adults.  Our children will one day be adults and the way they relate to others will be directly correlated to the way they related to us.  If we let them cry or whine their way into what they want, they will learn that this is the way to get what your needs met.  We are their training ground. 

I've recently started putting my foot down and I was surprised by how quickly my preschooler responded.  I've stopped giving her choices. Yes, she still can make some choices, just not with everything.  Kids need boundaries, we all do.  Think of it this way... when you get a new job you want to know the rules of the company.  Can I take a two hour lunch or do I need to eat on campus?  Adults feel more comfortable knowing the expectation, certainly children more so.  Their growing brains can't make every decision.  They need responsible adults to make the decisions for them.  We decide what they eat to keep their growing bodies healthy.  We decide bedtimes as we understand their sleep needs.  My girl made the decision to dress head to toe in green today. She made the decision to wear her hair down.  She decided that she would paint an orange cat with a purple collar.  She still makes decisions but so do I.  Very quickly she learned that a tantrum or crying doesn't get her what she wants.  I know her future husband will thank me.
Crafting with

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Saturday Fun

I've watched this several times because it's just so cute.  I heard that this is just a promo for the movie and that the mom and dad in the video are actors, but I like to think they are just out for a drive.  The preschooler in the back makes me laugh.  Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Preschool Crafting Encourages Confidence

I've been working on little projects with my girl for years.  When she was 18 months I collected all sorts of little bits of this and that, strings, rickrack, paper scraps and had her arrange them on a piece of contact paper.  I framed this and violia ... Art!  Beautiful, handmade art.  It still graces our home and is a sweet reminder of times past. 

Over the years I've watched her confidence grow in her willingness to try things.  She enjoys mixing paints and discovering new colors, searches the house for little blocks and tape to add to her projects.  She understands that there isn't "perfect" art.  She understands that art is about the process. 

We want to encourage our children to make art.  It encourages risk taking, increases confidence, and aids in problem solving.  As our children are creating we want to gently guide them and encourage them.  When we sit with them while they are working it tells them that their work is important and that translates into ... You are important. 

So how about crafting with your child today.  If you need some project ideas, check out  Our craft boxes include all the materials you'll need to craft with your child all month.  We plan, shop, and send you a daily email outlining the daily craft.

Monday, March 10, 2014 Delivers Fun to 3-7 Year Olds - A Giveaway

One LUCKY person will win one monthly craft kit from  We plan, shop, and deliver enough materials for you to do 20 crafts a month with your 3-7 year old.  We’ll even send you a daily email outing the daily craft.  

HOW TO ENTER:  Enter in one of the following ways:
·         Leave a comment telling us what types of crafting you do with your child. 

·         Visit and enter your email.

·         Like us on Facebook

·         Share us on Facebook for a double entry.
This Giveaway will end Midnight Saturday, March 22nd.  The winner will be randomly chosen and the winner will be announced on Monday, March 24th.  Good Luck and Happy Crafting.
(This giveaway is open to US residents only.)


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Living with Young Children - A Good Read

I've been thinking lately about how I want our home to be and Sally Clarkson pretty much sums it up. If you haven't read Sally, you can check her out at  She is all about encouraging mamas to be mamas. Read her post about Developing Souls.  There is so much in it to think about.  I'd love to hear your thoughts.  Be sure to leave a comment when you finish this great read. 

Developing Souls Alive vs. De-personalizing of technology by Sally Clarkson.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hallelujah (I'll Still Sing) [Feat. Rachael Lee] - From film Confessions...

This beautiful song is by Nathan Clarkson, my friend's son.  I call Sally Clarkson friend because I've read every one of her books and she has taught me so much about mothering.  Truth be told, we've never met or even spoken on the phone.  Still she is a friend and has kept me company late in the night when I read her words on raising head strong babes.  She taught me about grace.  So she is my never known friend, but I hope to have tea with her one day. 

Her talented son is working on a film project, Confessions of a Prodigal Son.  If you don't know the story of the prodigal son you can learn more here . It's a story of redemption and love, worth knowing and believing and sharing.  Enjoy!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Our Preschoolers Grow Up!

I count on the fact that I'm not the only one who's felt this way - felt this longing for things to stay just as they are at this very moment.  I can't be the only mother who's felt the empty nest feeling even before her children have entered school.  Of course, the business of life makes us look forward to the days we will have a few hours to ourselves to read or exercise or shop all by ourselves.  But then they grow up and wave to us from the school bus window.  And you think ... where did my baby go?  When did the bedtime struggles end and when was the last time I rocked you to sleep?  When did you learn to do so many things all by yourself? And you celebrate the independence but mourn the late night feedings. 

Saint Patrick's Day Decor with your Preschooler in Mind

It is such fun to decorate for the seasons.  I tend to decorate for the biggies but was impressed with some of the cute ways to decorate for Saint Patrick's Day ... really the whole month of March.  Check out these cute ideas from across the web.  Be sure to include your preschooler's crafts in the décor.  They will be so happy to know their artwork is special enough to display.

Cute ideas @ A Little Tipsy

More Green Things @ Free Time Frolics

Sunday, March 2, 2014

I used the Rainbow Connection in my 3rd and 4th grade classrooms for years to teach literacy skills including fluency.  Music is a powerful way to teach reading and writing and just really a joy.  I found this on youtube today and I am sharing it just because it reminds me of my childhood and makes my heart sing.  I can't wait to share The Rainbow Connection with my girl in the morning.  Enjoy!

Saturday, March 1, 2014